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Old 02-03-09, 11:00 AM   #12
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

your well informed about my illness, without knowing the issue
and I'll let you know from the jump... that's going to kill you!
This was pretty lame.
I dont listen to whipper snappers, go blow a fog horn bastard
it's like your k9 disappeared in your rhymes, all this 'dog gone' wackness
The concept was cool, but the set up was poor and the follow up was worded poorly.

The Original
this kids sex life is ghastly, he’s opted for jumpin old peoples bones
his penis is so pro’grammes it broadcasts in retirement homes
I laughed, good wordplay.
& I consider ya mom my equal, coz we both got guerilla tactical thinking
I plan raids n’ ambushes, her hairy ass climbed the Empire State Building
Hahaha, lame ass but funny.

Solo's two half assed punches were better than bob's lame punch and cool idea that didn't really work out that well.

Vote: The Original