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Old 02-03-09, 08:38 PM   #4
Nynth Degree
In ya area.
Posts: 1,479

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
what does it matter whether she is asian or not....

Pretty much. I've dated Asians before, both natural and americanized. I mean, I didn't really go through the whole "relationship" process, but either way the racial difference didn't bother me.

I'd say give it a little more time to feel it out, so you can conclude whether or not you're gonna get the pussy without a relationship, or if you're not, then figure out if you actually want something to do with her, ignoring your pursuit of the pussy. But you probably already knew that, so I'll stop rambling.

Basically, Asian shouldn't matter. But those people base their personal relationships off honor and respect, so don't try to give her the cowboy dick 'cuz if she ain't having it the first time, it could fuck shit up later down the road.

And if you do have a problem with Asians, then that's fine too. A little racsim isn't that bad. And I should know, I live in America.
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.
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