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Old 02-12-09, 09:41 AM   #8
one way
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Posts: 830
From: Canada

It's nothing new, perfectly describes you, a new style'll leave you hurting
seriously if your the Original-- there's clearly a demand for an updated version
I like this, havn't saw it before so its not played to dope punch but wording is a little off

dude seriously, can you even drop a punch that's not horrible
like how you gonna flip The Original with the most played ass punch possible
no wonder you never get pussy, i'll smack you coz I hurt gays
n' the only time you see 'tic in a box, is when he's filling out gay rights surveys
1st was gay, like I said wasn't played to me.....2nd was fire wordplay was dope, I dont know what people talk about it, concepts never get old jut the way they are puttogether is, so if you can call someone gay in a creative way like that, its sick not played.

So what you think my shit played, I are who I is don't get it misunderstood
If I didn't drop Original... Its cause I actually planned on dropping good
wasn't feeling it, was ok put wording was off, and I dont believe you had a ghostwriter for that, thats a retarded claim... this dude a moron^ and "are who I is" what are you trying to be as illiterate as timberland, lol

it was actually pretty close if you ask me, one dope punch each, but the gay bar did make me laugh and I think i hit a little harder, the the original name play a biut more creative

vote The original
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