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Old 02-16-09, 02:51 PM   #8
one way
one way's Avatar
Posts: 830
From: Canada

Ur old dude, Cross' joints be hurtin.. but he'll show, we hope
so we can all see some of that fire...
... and the pile of ash after hes smoked
wasn't feeling it...its ok but really basic

Says im old,,Yet u the 1 whos 50 n plays bowls,,is it just^or is ur memory missing?
Take up singing,,Alphabetized.Fuck the alphabet in a battle,,,What Counts Is hiting
Sounds yung or isnt listnin,his Flows Not nice so santas Takin a dump in his chimny
Age diss weak..u sound 15..n"Those lines burnin me?"Son you aint even Singeing me
your bars are way too long, don't flow right. and they are not effective. not really even punches, well really weak ones if they are. you should be able to see what your doing wrong by just looking at other battlers, but for real change it up cause its not working

Now we know Alpha's the king, and I bring the thunder, man
while you bring your own wack punches...
... that no one can understand..
meh wasn't too hard, like you couldn't think of anything, or prolly didn't try

vote abcd
When I be selling grams I’m slinging bombs like Uncle Sam


It's ok to make money, Legit or illegal...
But it's treason when you turn your back on your people.