Thread: Dear Adam,
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Old 02-16-09, 06:18 PM   #24
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by SPuL
LOL no you haven't.

The "Fags" thread J. summers made, almost everyone was throwing around pointless beef. Then I say something laughing at One way, and you edit my post. Great mod job. 90% of the threads in the LL should be moved or deleted if you're gonna be calling ticky tac offenses from the LL rules thread.

You aren't serving any purpose except proving why you need some better hobbies.

If one person goes off on a tangent and starts a little beef discussion, whatever.

You're entire intent with every post you make is to beef with people, so you, LK, and poetic are flagged.

So are JRoy and Coke but you don't see them posting beef threads do you?
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