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Old 02-17-09, 04:55 AM   #12
Can u guess 2v's Gender?
Valerie's Avatar
Posts: 7,895

Originally Posted by JTR
do you know what leg raises are?

So post a video of you doing 35 of them with 5 pound weights on each ankle, and your LEGS, not knees, being raised completely straight an all the way up a little higher then 90 degrees bud, since you're so confident, lol you can't...

35 isn't the most I can do idiot, it's just the amount I do in my reps. And I do 5 sets of 35 reps, gradually moving up to 40

lol you really don't know much about working out huh?

You don't have any abs at all, and you even said yourself you're bigger, with your weight you aren't even gonna get close to what I do

Plus you did that when you were in 8th grade? Really? Weren't you fat as fuck in 8th grade? Funny.. I didn't know fat kids did as many leg raises as thin ripped kids? Dude, at that weight you were at in 7th or 8th grade, even if your abs could handle that many reps, your arms would get tired of holding up your fat self way before you could finish the set aahhahaha, quit fronting bitch

Rofl, just wait son just wait..

i love showin a guy who thinks hes the shit just cus hes 90 ibs and ripped. that aint hard at all. try gaining mass bitch..

but like i said ima show ur ass up and thats all there is to it.

night cupcake..
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