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Old 02-17-09, 07:27 PM   #7
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Hahaha, you stupid Indian fuck. You and your gay ass Eclipse car and cocky ass attitude. Dude, you're a fucking loser, Kid's parents pay for everything that he does and he comes off like he's earned it, hahaha I hope whoever wrote your verse made you proud, I mean that's what you're known for in text tournaments.

For the RB heads, this fag used to be Reckless and was banned, but yeah, all the personals are true.

Nobody digs SP, 'the kid'? I'll pick apart your childish ways,
When it comes to battlin' u, an L follows everything that you say.
Your style's girly and played, yet this gay boasts and he brags,
Dude, an Eclipse ain't cool, unless you're an Asian chick or a fag.
This Indian lacks any skill, you won't find any wit in his blows,
Just quit the dry punches and stick to dry cleaning my clothes.
Damn SPuL, you're a hoe and your internet crews fucking whack too,
Yeah "Money Ain't Shit" when daddy pays for everything that you do.
I'm just wondering which SPuL is going to show up and write,
'Cause when LK isn't ghosting, he's Reckless, recycles and bites.
Don't even try to hide or deny it, dude this shit is your life,
Not only are your accomplishments sigged...
...............................but you have your own fucking site.
Bitch, I'm just writing for fun 'cause I'm a folk musician who busks,
See, you'll try and drop hard but you're just a rapper that sucks.
And your sigs just a laugh, that's back when I didn't know facts, b
'Cause the only time people put their hands up for SPuL.. when they're hailing a taxi.
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