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Old 02-18-09, 12:52 AM   #13
Posts: 2,653

Aaahhh honestly I been waiting for this battle. So now that it's here, I will voice my opinion.

SPuL - With all the trash talk I was really looking for something dope from you. So you kind of set yourself up. If it wasn't GREAT, then it wouldn't even be good. But let's break down your verse.

My favorite lines from you were:
"Adam’s style speaks for it’s self. To be blunt, he’s a queer...
...wherever he May March, and every other month of the year "

"Unidentifiable. A NOBODY. Shit, this kid is a geek
On second thought, he WILL be somebody... else’s bitch next week"

I thought your opener was decent at best but didn't really make a splash. The thing that I really liked about your verse was that every punch was set up with a line relative to what you were gonna say. That was good. But the way I feel about your verse is that you were giving a bunch of little jabs in order to set up the biggest punch at the end. But by that time I was getting a little bored.
I would give your verse a 6/10

Adam - I've NEVER seen your stuff but I must say that I was impressed.

My favorite lines from you were:
"Damn SPuL, you're a hoe and your internet crews fucking whack too,
Yeah "Money Ain't Shit" when daddy pays for everything that you do."

"'Cause the only time people put their hands up for SPuL.. when they're hailing a taxi."

Your verse was filled with punches that made me say "oh shoot" and "oh heck no" even though me and SPuL aren't the same race. You kinda hurt me. One correction though, Eclipses aren't for Asian chicks. Anyway with that being said, you had good punches but they weren't set up properly. It's like going for the bombs in a boxing match instead of setting everything up with the jab. Your first line would have nothing to do with the punch. With that being said you still had a solid verse.
I would give you a 8/10.

SPuL set himself up by talkin all the trash before the battle. I expected you to come in with a real solid verse that completely blew him away. But not. Adam definitely won this one. And yes I did understand EVERY punch and personal.

Vote - Adam
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