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Old 02-18-09, 09:25 PM   #3
The Write Weight
Posts: 449
From: Word life = Poetry... bringing words to life.

Never and always

We were bounded by marriage
happy n' shit I guess...
Now we're our own terrorist
with love lacking little to less.
Dick dating was her hobby
now I'm here for the stay,
used to make a livin' of robbing
off all the dealers who weighed.
She says she's for me
but I don't see the scheme,
cuz just two months ago
you were only a steamy dream to me.
"You're annoying as fuck",
why's god toying with luck?
"It was love at first site
after watchin' you suckin' my nuts".
This bitch is crazy as hell
I'm hopin' they send her to jail
& bank my account fails
so I won't have enough money for bail.
This love is a cell, bars of lockup
shut me off from the world
& all the other girls
that didn't win this fuckin' tossup.
Maybe they'll catch her -
I knew the bitch was bipoler when I met her,
I'm doin my best just to hurt my self n'
tryin' my damnest 'til
I convince she's molestin'.
ME? Why me is the question...
When I ask God he never gives me an answer
My friends keep messin' bout
how the stress is incredible...
I lack the meat & bone
like my body own's a vegitable.
I wish she'd trip as I pace;
while she's walkin' downstairs
she could slide down on her face...
Every time I see the bitch
I feel like I'm maced.
It's ridiculous how I wish I was bitchless now,
before our commitment
I wanted to sprint to our vows...
All in all, I hate the bitch...
She's fuckin' crazy.

"Then he quickly closes his laptop
& says to his newlywed as she enters the room"

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