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Old 02-19-09, 12:01 PM   #9
one way
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Posts: 830
From: Canada

his crews full of fags..
no pussy for miles so I gaurantee that u'll die..
besides, coke would rather chase Adam n Jon then push Suicide.
even saying he'd rather be gay then push sue aside doesn't make a whole lot of sense, almost saying he'd rather be gay then gay
N' no one takes u for real
this comic act'll get fuckin pulverized
coz I move Coke too.. Hell, every day I put jokes aside.
I did like this though, it was simple and was worded bad but still cool, nto as effective as it could have ben though

Words is full of gimmiks, enough of the talk bro i think we've all had it
Cuz only people praisin Words of God is Alcholic's and drug Addicts
I liked this too, btu again wording takes away from the effect
yep, this dude's from 04, and i think we can till you aint battle in a while
Cuz Words your style is completely fucked like virgins doing doggy style
I liked this too worded bad again but metaphor was clever, went over my head at first though lol

Cool, I didn't get the sue a side part, thought it was a dudes name that used to battle, and of course it sounds fine to you you wouldn't have posted it if you thought the wording was bad, but I did, and Im sorry if my opinion hurt your ego, cause no body said you were trash.

cokes lines both connected but weakly based on wording, I think the first punch could have been dope as fuck if worded right, the second didn' come as hard but again could have.
Wordz 2nd punch hit harder then cokes, but even after the clear up I wsn't feeling the first at all. Its a hard vote to make.......but ima say coke, say what you want

When I be selling grams I’m slinging bombs like Uncle Sam


It's ok to make money, Legit or illegal...
But it's treason when you turn your back on your people.