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Old 02-19-09, 09:10 PM   #10
text.even geico can do it
bobericc_lyrics's Avatar
Posts: 349
From: boston

weed definitely has medicinal properties, if you try and find any information on scientific testing, its not in depth about the positive attributes to it, because the government doesn't want its funds to go to the benefits it holds, just how bad it is to your health. and everyday it becomes more clear that marijuana is not a threat to the human psyche, it will be more than likely that national legalization is soon to happen. i mean I smoke around 2 blunts a day, most the time it's midgrade bud. and most the time it's roughly .8-1.2 grams. I found that I stop thinking about the problems ahead, and think more about the here and now, and of all, I found out smoking in moderation, has helped my asthma improve greatly. and I wondered why tobacco would fuck my breathing up, but not weed, its because bud is a natural inhalant, artificial expanding and deflating of your lungs, sort of like fake breathing.. now as for switching up peoples judgment? lmao.. that is a STUPID accusation. people change their judgment WITHOUT the influence of weed, so why pin weed as the culprit? my opinion is because thc speeds up your heart rate (paranoia), It CAN'T change the way you think, but induces the feelings you are having at that time, your feeling happy, be high and more happy, pissed off? high and more pissed. that type of thing, of course people will always dispute with me about that point im trying to make, because if they smoke, they only smoke when they're relaxed. feeling more relaxed and lazy. lol.. its not a motivation killer if you dont have the fucking motivation to kill, feel me?
anyways, what backs my opinion up is all the crazy medicinal properties people "claim" they get from smoking weed, from early hispanic immigrants smoking weed to help them work, strippers smoking trees because they feel its a sexual stimulant, or stupid textcees smoking to increase their creativity, you already had the creativity to begin with. I think it just increases your mood at that time. but there is still very insufficient studies that have been done about weed, and more can always be learned.

and if your asking,
why such a long discussion?
I'm part of NORML bitch!
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