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Old 02-21-09, 09:03 PM   #10
one way
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Posts: 830
From: Canada

Being gay is genetic, so it's my cue to say it's a choice with this fool,
Caustic meets with balls and I ain't talking 'bout gene pool.
I don't know its ok but its kinda one sided wordplay what is gene pool other then genetics related, is it a type of billards? if you use the whole word for the punch the whole word should incorporate into the wordplay, if I read it both ways it should make sense.

Don't talk slick fool, your mouth'll get your bitch ass beat down
its not unusual to see you acting like a diva...n me like Chris brown
for happening not long ago at all these are allready played out
that's a piss poor effort, your rhymes ain't shit, I couldn't find in an alley
So if that's the best he can do, y'all might as well just Adam to my Tally
kinda of useless nameplay had no effect or punch, concept was generic

When it comes to chicks, I'm strictly XXX, you just claim to beat them at will,
Bitch, you'll be my third win in a row ^, Caustic tac toe never took any skill.
kinda useless nameplay again with no effect, set up was irrelevent to the punch except for the 'xxx', could have been worded a lot better, but I still think it would have been weak anyway.

Not that dope really, bad use of word and name play by both of you, It gets dope and creative when you can make his name have two meanings to fit in with the set up and punch, not just find a word or phrase it will fit in and write a sentence with it, it just turns out baisc and non effective

Have to say adam
When I be selling grams I’m slinging bombs like Uncle Sam


It's ok to make money, Legit or illegal...
But it's treason when you turn your back on your people.