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Old 03-06-09, 01:14 AM   #8
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by JTR
fasho, good point I do need to lower the adlibs and learn how to mix my vocals or get someone do it for me. Well thanks for the compliments on the rhyme scheme and lyrical content, Im glad to know I got that part down. I'll keep working on my pressence, but with my quality it's hard. I'll be gettin new equipment eventually though, i'm just starting off.

I find it funny how you said "i like the beat" and then "kinda lame" ahahaha but yea, I semi did this as a joke thing, it was completely for fun cuz I normally never hop on these types of beats or do this type of style haha, wanted to expirement and try something new

I kinda liked it but I'm not too excited about samples in the choruses. But honestly I think with Ike or 286 on this it'd be hot with your lyrics. Just for the fact that they're a bit more seasoned.
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