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Old 03-06-09, 02:04 AM   #37
Chris Stylez
Semper Fi
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Posts: 2,269
From: Uptown Maryland

At the end of the day. More problems will be solved and more problems rise. We have to deal with the problems now. But the base of your entire argument is the pure fact that Obama may or may not be an American.

Millions of people have the oppurtunity to keep their homes. And not being homeless. prepering their selves to go into a recession. You cant prepare for a reccession while you ass is homeless/jobless. Do you think people are dumb enough to get their homes back and not buckle down knowing times are shit. Obama even stated that things might get worst before they get better and that people will have to cut back and start doing more.

But your complaining about a birth certificate is not going to help the situation. You claim the economical collapse was inevitable. There also theories saying otherwise. But if it was truely inevitable then this situation would have happen either way.

Your reminding me of the republican Lip something(forgot his name) That outright said he wanted Obama to fail. Just because the ideals are different and think he is wrong. Why would you want someone to fail and be pestimistic about a situation that influence your life. You would hope for the best and pray that things work out.

Not blab about how the president may not be an american and what he is doing is right or wrong. Your talk is breeding nothing but hate and theideals of actually going out and acting crazyz causing martial law.

Your Ignorance(Well type of ignorance) will bring down this country way faster than any bailout plan that might get signed that may or may not fail in the future.

Im out. Peace

Project List

The Classick Mixtape Vol (8/18)
Age Of Consent Mixtape Vol 1(16/16)
The Classick Album(2/16)
S&S Express E.P.(1/10)

Lot of back to back shit. Stay tuned.
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