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Old 03-06-09, 10:30 PM   #6
one way
one way's Avatar
Posts: 830
From: Canada

idk how you in a crew, actin tight is all this whores rants
you can inhale smoke an faint in a fire, still wouldnt be hottest in your camp
this was not that creative or powerful
you have no talent in writting, this dudes worthless
in yah mind u dont throw away trash make'em in too verses
I liked this was comical and kinda clever but I think It has been done before
i fight dirty nigga, an you'll need to cuz of yah soft men
i'am get a law suit from aftermath, when i crack a bottle off M
this was an ok attempt at wordplay but it wasn't very harsh needs to be reworded
bumpin tell me when to go..wit u in the trunk of a 2 tone del sol
then i'll ghost ride the whip, till it hits a muthafucking telephone pole
agina poorly executed
you'd only join the army, cuz u'd want ya dick in guys mouths
faggot your on more solider boys, than most girls in the south
this was ok but not huge

i dont have any plans on no showing and having this little cunt win
if i wanted to feel a blunt chin, i would have already punched him
weak punch, even the concept isn't strong
u can get the fist for free, big to me your existence is a mystery
check ya url bar buddy, cuz its the only one from u that'll make history
braggish lines don't hit, its pretty much filler to me
i smell victory, so take the razor and cut about 3 artiries
with ya retarded free's, i coulda found a better match on eHarmony
like civil said they are played and Its wordend bad your set up has nothing to do with your punch, the punch was basic to me and generic
the american ido prick shit ya spit?? it isn't even alright
Well all kno Ryan seek rest, then cry him self to sleep everytnight
is basic level wordplay, and worded bad, other then the fact you metioned the words american idol "Ryan seacrest" does not fit in there, only "ryan seek rest" does and just barely
dont flatter yourself if you thinkin that your a g like me
RV is always leavin for a while, & its always tryna brb
I dont see any punch here

I figured I should break it down a bit better

vote ryan hughes
When I be selling grams I’m slinging bombs like Uncle Sam


It's ok to make money, Legit or illegal...
But it's treason when you turn your back on your people.
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