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Old 03-07-09, 07:34 PM   #11
New Jack
Posts: 374

Im not an expert, but you've lost 2 a ton of heads as of recent
Analyst of those people would consist of anyone halfway decent

good solid opener

Final I MADE you dog, and ya NOT smart ya just bad, hoe
but your deffenetly bright...
...since ya spent ya career in my shadow

good wordplay, lol

I'm glad though, cuz wit ya bitch i dont force shit, I jus clap
So don't get mad at ME dude, harassment to land on my lap

barely descent

Schoolin this herb, Im scared<-- but only just to give ya hope
Cuz the only kids that be FEARIN final..
.. are the dudes who lost their notes

lol, this was cool

Why even go 16 dude, cut ya verses down they wack as fuck
Cuz as soon as I saw 16 I was shorten of them would suck

not harsh hitting at all

& you aint champin this dude, need proof? I'll rock ya brain
Cuz we'll see Final in the champ match...
but thats only the topics name

good closer


he's tight to be around. i'm the type to try to know him
cus i get a rise outta alpha.. in the ranks when i KO him :]

kinda played opener

you're the retard type that thinks preperation is the best
but your bowels will be evacuating when my gun's Fire Drills your chest

barely descent

homies gay, and you're girl? somebody should warn her..
his beds experienced more Man Coverage then shutdown corners

lol, this was good

really though, alpha you're fat. i got you're girl in my rig
& me and her made clips with enough X's to even fit YOU too big

another good hit

im sick of this kid. i'ma let him get hit with the fire
cus Al's so weird, Mr. yankovic was forced to retire

nah, not feeling the Weird Al Yankovic wordplay

i'm nice with my hands man, so i'll make it more then jus rap
and Shift you're bone structure enough to turn your whole verse into caps

great closer


This was a great battle. I got Alpha winning this one by one bar..

Vote - Alpha

The B.E.S.T. Crew

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