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Old 03-10-09, 12:22 PM   #6
Johnny 6-feet
Posts: 98

The man stretched out on the psychiatrists couch
An attempt to understand what the crying's about
They said he needed to 'open up', he called it 'spilling his guts'
To this lab coated prick taking notes; killing with paper cuts
He began in the same place, his childhood memory's
The incidents which made him mentally so vile and venomy
Playground bullies introducing his face to the mud
And he never really left it, that was his place there for good

"You see doctor, i always felt alienated.
Like my train of thought was derailed, while other people's was sedated.
I had trouble making friends..."

From the doc, a sympathic nod

"Maybe it was constant detachment that make me pathetic, odd."

They moved to his teenage years, the hormones and greasy skin
His desire for a whore's moan and a bed to please him in
And how then, dark thoughts began to creep through his mind
Like a theif in the night, as silent as a mime

"I always thought a few homicidal thoughts were normal.
Well who doesn't sometimes think about death? You all do!
I mean, sure, i stomped bugs as a kid for fun."

The shrink scribbled faster

"13, the first time i picked up a gun.
Huntings natural isn't it? I had a void, it was filling me up
Gunning an animal down and then spilling their guts
In fact, that's why today i'm work in taxedermy"

Another note on the shrink's pad 'He's defensive at the slightest inquiry
He has more than a touch of homicidal behaviour
Like to kill and stuff animals, guts them with a razor.'
He was losing coherancy, his speech was running together
The pitch was rising and crashing like the stormiest weather

"They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade
But what about when it PISSES ON YOU in the seventh grade?

He stood up

"Yeah, dad was never home, i could never get a date!
Yeah, the kids laughed at me almost every lunch break!"

"Calm down Mr Jones."

"Fuck you! Isn't this what you wanted?
To 'spill my guts' so you could judge me like my conscience?
Would you like to hear my experiments on my latest project?
His name was Steve i think, so do you think i'm odd yet?"

The shrink made a run for it, almost made it to the door
But was tackled with a crash and heavy graze on the floor
Jones pinned his arms with his knees; pressed a hand to his mouth
Drew a knife from his pocket, a madman in the house

"This is only fair you know."

From his mouth saliva poured through

"Since you made me spill my guts, i should spill yours too."
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