Thread: suboxyn
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Old 03-11-09, 04:16 PM   #1
Dufflebag Boy
why so serious!!??
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Posts: 2,059


this is a good thread for baphomet but who here has heard of suboxyn??
all i gotta say is that lil orange pill has the NASTIEST fuckin taste ever when you snort it its almost like snorting some kind of orangy pinsol and its got the most disgusting drips EVER! not ta mention that you have a 98% chance of puking if you dont hold it in. but with that being said it does fuck you up for a LONG time and its alot cheaper than alot of other drugs.

for those of you who dont know suboxyn is what they prescribe you to get off oxycontin but they can cause a whole new addicition replacing your oxy addiction if you dont be careful. its just something i do when nothing else is around usually before work so my ass dont drag thru the whole day. i dont know how anyone can do this shit everyday i like the high but just doing it ehh fuck that i prefer oxy or coke drips if i was ta pick one
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