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Old 03-12-09, 10:20 PM   #12
New Jack
Posts: 374

Originally Posted by Nâ€-T
I kinda agree with the Nynth Degree here, weed is a good thing, it means no harm, but I wouldnt be mad if there wasnt anything like weed. I'm a casual smoker, I do it now and then.But back in the day, it became somewhat of a problem for me. See a few years ago i smoked about everyday, smoked when i could and didn't really care for anything but I was young, so I didn't have much responsibilities. But one time I met a kid named N(not gunna put his name out there, it begins with N), we were pretty good friends though he was lie 5 years older than me, we were talkin about weed when he told me that quote "Weed is great thing, but don't let it be you" and that was exactly what I leading to. But a big wake up call for me was when my friend took jis own life at a young age because of all the stress that he made from drugs (other drugs as well). Not a day goes by without me thinkin of him, and I'll never forget what he said to me. After that happened, I was about to enter to a new school in a year or so, I decided that I had to stop smoking all the time. After I entered the new school, I stopped altogether. I completely stopped for a year or so until i started again. I now smoke from time to time and sometimes I'll regret it.
Now to answer your question Alpha, do I think that marijuana is a demonized drug and that it ruins lives? Absolutley not. Do I think that everyone should smoke weed because its amazing? Not necessarily. I do believe that somewhere down the line in everyones lives, you should try weed and the expericences that come with it. And also I think kids at a young age should hold off it till their in highschool or somthing. But don't let become a problem, trust me, I've seen what it does to people and I know people who have let weed control thier lives, including myself.

Also I think cops should chill out about this stuff, it does seem to be alleviated criminaly. I think it will be legalized very soon. The Government will find the truth in weed.

-You don't have to agree with me, that's just how I view it.

R.I.P. Nol, Not a day goes by....

It being demonized and if it ruins lives are two seperate questions. You can't simply say no, becuase that means you believe it's not demonized in our culture, and considering theres a law that can ruin your record forever in a "marijuana possession" charge, you'd be ignorant to say it's not demonized.

Also, just because you were smoking weed everyday doesn't mean it's bad for you. It means you made a choice to abuse it, and abusing any substance is not a good thing. Hell, you like sugar right? Well if you abuse sugar, it's not good for your blood pressure.. and you could develop medical conditions from it. However, would you contend that sugar is a bad thing because you find yourself drinking it by the packet? Nope, you'd just say it's tasty as fuck. It's not the weed that's bad for you, it's your own choice to abuse it.

I'd also like to point out this fact.
You said your friend killed himself due to..
"stress that he made from drugs (other drugs as well)"

The most important piece of information there is other drugs.
Marijuana has never killed a single person in the history of earth.
Anxiety from Marijuana alone is not enough to drive someone over the edge.
I'd never defend any other substance besides marijuana in that aspect.
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