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Old 03-16-09, 12:47 AM   #16
text.even geico can do it
bobericc_lyrics's Avatar
Posts: 349
From: boston

lmao your right nick, I dont like you, i honestly want to beat your face in, hopefully at some point in this tourny.

nobody cares who’ll be coming out strong queer
cuz making a good battles a two way thing – aka your weak shit don’t belong here
^^wasn't feeling^^
ngga, I got name flips to son you.. all of ‘em worthy to quote
& this battle may start as one-nick, but it’ll end with a deep cut across ya throat
shit. I’m raising funds with this beating, my fists bringing lucrative shares
beating you is such a cake walk.. I could transition into musical chairs
^^felt like the set up was weak^^
seriously though.. you do leave dudes waking up torn
if ya don’t think one can break up people, ask his parents about the day he was born
now mom’s is working the corners, a hooker for the turn of the century
had so many foreigners inside her, her vag needs a SWAT team for tactical entry
I’m a sex god though. I go through pregnancy scares weekly at best
but I’m used to false positives.. shit, I used to be sure you were decent at text
you’ve been garbage forever.. and time has set its toll
text run’s been such a fade out.. ya next verse could double as a credit roll
^^decent, could be harsher^^
dude you’ve lost this, know matter how you attacking me right
call this a hostile takeover, n’ I don’t mean how you get laid on a saturday night


All you did was complain from the moment you took over the scene
If this league is turning into such a drag…I vote you for the queen
^^seen it coming^^
This dude’s lonely and broke, I scheme to make money with my local team
The other day I bought a blank canvas, and flipped it as nicks social scene
Your quick to rudely insult and judge, and you sure are found to bitch
But I don’t see you as the mean guy, I’d place you further down the list
^^wasn't feeling^^
Nick on a date two consecutive days is rare, dining in the stale breeze
But at the end of the night he doesn’t pay for females just pays a male fee
I’ll show you where washed ups belong, when the bait and hook falls
Cause I’ll hit N.F so hard with an L, he’ll quit rap and take up football
^^pretty dope nameplay^^
You never get a good match up, and when you do, no one agrees it’s bomb
The last time anyone said Nick’s in, all good heads were fighting in Vietnam
^^ feeling the nixon nameplay, needed better wording^^
Your shit bores quickly, about a quarter is what your life is worth
Your so fucking retarded it took me a long time to write this verse
^^ i seen where you were going, needed more harshness^^
Your campaign about voting is going no where and I bet it wont last
but things wouldn’t seem so shity if you took your head outa your ass
^^lol nahh^^

and nick I'm going to not vote for you, not because i dont like you, felt like one had the better verse though, punchlines we're set up better...
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