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Old 03-31-09, 11:31 PM   #9
Posts: 719

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
rofl c'mon dude if u was a looker u woulda found something better then a fat black monkey to wife...holllller



you must of thought u came out real tuff with that one huh?? lmfao hahaha....

fat black money hahahaha.....

real creative....
ur as creative as the other dude who got my pic in hes avy name zite187 or whatever....

my fat black monkey wife looks better then u hands down for the SIMPLE FACT SHE IS A SHE!!!! not a SHE-MALE who post on a rap site full of males and never shows a pic f herself and claims just cuz u got a female avy that its you LMFAO HAHAHA..... anyone can get a pic from any-where and say its them who would know if u cant prove it....

which go back to what i first thought...
u gotta be the uglyest bitch in the world or a weak poor little faget who got beat up hes whole life that he decided to act as a female on a rap site lmfao....

u dont impress me with words, u dont impress me with ur spelling, u dont impress me at all ma, so i rather stick to my fat black money then a fake hispanic SHEMALE on a rapsite....

my fat black monkey is out working making money what about you???
my fat black monkey can hang on my wood all day who hangs on urs???

for-real miss/mister u not ready for a real man nor could ever handle a hood nigga...
THE B.E.S.T CREW..........
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