Thread: JTR vs FINAL
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Old 04-11-09, 12:49 AM   #5
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

I woulda KO'ed you anyways, wack ass

I punch like a girl, my uppercuts stand you up if you test me
Definition of Irony: Me biting your line... that you bit off of Hensley
^^ See that, I get a spark of creativity then drop with my funk on
Your creativity would get a spark if a lightning bolt ever struck John
Lemme ask what the fuck's wrong? Nvm, NO ONE CARES, hide you bastard
Ask why he did it? Nah even Regis wouldn't give a fuck bout the Final answer
Using John rhymes, Final don't get any bright ideas when I bench you
Since we know all you do is Jack rhymes
AW FUCK, I MESSED UP! Now he'll start using them too -_-
Lmfao @ after being exposed no one defended ya like "I doubt he would Jack"
Act like Hens so much if I punched your stomach an egg'd pop out of ya ass
I knew you'd bite, tried looking at your best lines to get my damn hunch
But almost didn't... cuz you managed to turn HENSLEYS into a wack punch??
LOL HOW!? That made it not so easy but I caught ya
You should have atleast used his name and posed as another imposta
WOW, weren't you bitching at Nick Fletcher like you wanted to fight him?
Chill dude, cuz I proved even John Hensley recycles... and then you bite him
LMAO omfg I can't stop
LOL @ biting Hens when we already duked in leagues and I flunked him
Thanks to Final it's officially a total of three times i've beaten his punches
Lemme show you how to bite/flip without getting caught you stupid clown
Final thinks I aim like a girl, cuz my bullets tend to shoot him down

Suck me softly.
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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