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Old 04-15-09, 06:28 PM   #1
New to RV
Posts: 9

I hate your style, it's terribly played and a hirrid image with witness
Since you come up with enough wack shit to put 50 cent outta buisiness
So talk shit faggot I don't even listen, i'll stomp and shatter ur chin
Someone's got to be the bigger's just weird you hit on him
You'd never get in the studio guy, you are legit just a fuckin disgrace
The only way you impact RB is leaving with the imprint of my fist in ur face
Stop crying geek cuz you are worth nothin, u ain't no rock nor boulder
Only way your on top of you game is when your standing on X box controlers
I don't need shit for you, your poor with words, no need to repeat it
Cuz i bet if I came up with some hot shit, this broke fuck would prolly eat it

rapbattles all day niogggggggga