Thread: NFL Time
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Old 06-15-09, 01:37 PM   #1
...i'm da nicest...
LaTiNKiTTeN's Avatar
Posts: 4,080
From: east coast

Originally Posted by The Jett
nah....bottom line is, your going for whatever you can.
Guys, think about it. Whens the last time she battled?
She's only on here to diffuse the bomb of a daily life she has. Shit, the more I think I feel kinda bad. Imagine havin to haul all that lard through the streets of Toronto every day. Having to paint a picaso every day, just so you dont scare the little kids down the street on your way to you pathetic little cubicle where your supposed to work.........i dunno something a mexican eskimo would do.........but instead, your on RV, making fun of people who are on here to battle and collab their talents. Whats your talent Kitten? makin fun of people when your even goofy'er? Gonna rip my spelling? Cus thats not the point....

Point is.....
Your an emotionaly fucked up Mexican in Canada with no friends other than the people you google all they dont like you

rofl,would u like me to paint a pic of ur life?u been cursed from birth with a defect of not bein able to grow.ur tiny, short,n im bettin u have a small dick too so u're fucked in every department.ur game was to front about money to get bitches but then it would always come to surface that u're really a broke joke.jockey i mean rofl

so u decided to concentrate on hoppin bouncin n lap dancin horses cuz ur ass is so light weight they dont even notice u're on their back.

seriously no girl wants a dude who's shorter n skinnier then the average girl.not to mention u are girly as hell.i can just imagine seein u on the street pink shirt tiny lil thing,small lil head,big fuckin ears..rofl what a pathetic sight
u prolly shop in the boys,scratch that,infant department rofl

p.s.i got real nice skin n dont wear any foundation at all so yall frontin like i got makeup on is just complimentin me for u thinkin im fat,i think its pretty hilarious n its entertainin me so imma let yall run with it for a bit.u do weigh 105lbs so i suppose anyone would be considered fat compared to u,n spul aint far behind he just wears baggy clothes rofl
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