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Old 06-22-09, 03:49 PM   #10
Tha 1st member of S.W.A
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Originally Posted by _Talksic_
ive bounced for years at many different clubs and bars and had way worse situations and straight people dont act like drama queens.

WHAT??? you've got to be kidding me. I work maintenance at McDonald's from 11pm-7am at least 5 nights a week. we're open all night. all night stupid fucking drunk assholes come in from tha clubs, and yes, straight people act like tha biggest drama queens ever. both men and women. Gay people are usually tha nicest ones. tha other night we had to close, ommfg, what ever will people do if they don't git their precious McDonald's. my friend went outside to smoke, and when he came back in he fogot to lock tha door, and this asshole walked in, they told him we were closed and tha door was supposed to be locked, but noooo, he refused to leave until he got some food. i was actually in tha basement when he first came in, i came up and saw him there and everyone around him, then i asked my manager what was going on, n she told me. she was holding tha door open and telling him to leave. he called a bunch of his friends to come, so they were standing outside tha door, i think they thought he was being retarded too tho. drunk people make me so angry when they act like douche bags, so i said fuck this and just pushed him out tha door myself, he fell into his friends and i called him a punk muthaphukka and closed tha door. so that was my excitement fo tha night. but yeah, don't generalize all gay people to be like that, cuz they're not. I have quite a few homosexual friends, and none of them act that way. it's a drunk thang. ya dig?

Also, it's like when my family gits together. everyone gits drunk *rolls eyes* and they git in a big fight and beat tha shit out of each other, while my gay uncle, also drunk, just wants to make food, lol. so i just go kick it wif him as he bbq's hot dogs. lmao. eating hot dogs wif my gay uncle, it's kind of romantic when you think about.

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