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Old 07-22-09, 04:36 PM   #22
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,967
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
you wouldnt need a 9 to 5, 8 hours a day if they werent in charge..what ill do about it is make music about it trying to stop wouldnt have to work as a slave if they werent in charge..youd be bored out of your mind cuz u have no life..they dont change shit??they fuck u on our retirement 401 k ,taxing after u collect the whole amount,instead of at first,and your free to do want you want like the forfathers wanted untill officials catch u,untill the harrisy act of 1914 you were free to put what ever u want into your body untill was illegial by that act,in 1914.. but when the fed reserve act of 1913 happened everything changed.

Im confused, you told me that i didn't need to work a 9-5, 8hr job

yeah, yeah i FUCKING WOULD. You need people to WORK in order for a capatlistic society, which WE'VE LAWAYS BEEN to run effectivly. Ya gotta have indians, not cheifs for our society to function property.

You cluster the fuck out of your ideas and try to pin point things that are negative.

Sure, of course i dont wanna work, but its a fact of work to live. You think that the goverment should just hand us our lifes for free? You should problem dive deeper into the principles of what your actually representing, because your agrument is filled with parts of complete destrcution of goverment and we should all be goverment free, but you believe that the programs that the goverment has for hte public to use and stay safe and healthy and life great lifes are good...but you can't have them, by not having a govmernet?

That and why are you bringin up the harracy act about putting whatever i want into my body? Dude, im totally for freedom to act and do whatever, but i'll tell you one thing, im glad Meth isn't legal. You wanna a bunch of fucking meth addicts running around your kids? No. Its how we treat these addicts that is the problem, stop shoving them into a prison and put them into a rehab faclity. I remember hearing a great quote one time from a old prison gaurd, he was talkin about seeing the wave of new inmates. That the old school inmates, they weren't rowdy or disrectful, cuz they were criminals and they knew they were. Now all these addicts, they aren't criminals, they just get caught doing criminal behavior to fuel their drug addction. That they dont need to sit in prison to learn to not steal, they need to sit in a rehab facility and think not to do dumb fucking drugs.
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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