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Old 07-23-09, 11:56 AM   #28
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,967
From: Round tha way

and for your information....

Slavery was essential in order for the industrial revolution to take place.

Slavery was ESSENTIAL in order for our nation to thrive.

So you better get on the dirty ground which you and your american brothers and sisters have been spilling their orgasms all over and kiss it in significant reminiscence of the time that made this all possible: Slavery

and it wasn't modern slavery, or even Chinese Communist slavery. No no, it was hardcore, bible-fashioned, "My skin is superior to yours it says so in this holy book" slavery.

And DUE TO THEM re-interpreting the bible, DUE TO THEM knowing that all people are equal, DUE TO THEM re-interpreting both religion AND politics in unison, the slaves were freed.

But no no, not for just any reason. for war. Civil war that is. All of this came up all the way until modern times. We're talking 50 years ago fucker, slavery was abolished and rights were realized.

AFTER the UN's creation. and WAY after the stock markets and industrial revolution.

Yet you're trying to make a coherent point based on calling them hypocrites? Check yourself fool..

But you want some real shit you young cunt?

"live through the modern revolutions"

They established everything that lead up to those revolutions.. and on top of that, WE WILL FOLLOW THE RULES THAT THEY GAVE US, HUNDRED OF YEARS AGO -- TO THIS DAY.


the FUCK are you talkin about you faggot

how the fuck did they 'reinterpert the bible' and allow slaves to be free when they still HAD MOTHER FUCKING SLAVES

they were all bigots and racists, stop shoving their dick's down your mouth and open your fucking beedy little eyes.

The roman's built their nation on the back of slaves, and guess crublmed like a mother fucker.

Guess what bitch, we still are building are nation on the back of slaves, we just call them illegal immigraints. The forefathers were'd all that smart, they just thought that by allowing people the freeedom of choice, isntread of being oppressed, that people may enjoy life a litte more. HOORRARRYYYY. What an idea huh? Motherfucker, those jackass's, just liek today, didn't do shit. They didn't kill ne one, we did. biotch. The american public did the fighting, the starving, the killing. So really, WERE THE smart mother fuckers. Not some group of jackass's who signed the sheet that made America America. If ne thing, they were just rich guys who had enough money to stage a war agasint its mother country. And they won becuase of the American public fighting for them.

so suckkk myyy diicckk. BIOTCH
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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