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Old 10-04-09, 01:49 PM   #6
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Originally Posted by Got Soul? ©
You didnt exactly write it in a 'deeper' manner. In fact it just seems like a high ramble. But cool, glad your sorting a huge phillisophical issue from when you were 10. Whats next? How sand castles hold there shape after the buckets lifted?

you're a fucking moron. Language in its own essence is deep as fuck. The way we form sounds, formulate them into words, then sentances, then use grammar and tones to express and communicate is awesome. And yea it was a high ramble haha, I figured that'd be obvious as I was talking about when I was high, and high while I made this thread.

See you were exagerating about the 10 year old shit because no way at 10 years old would anyone try to explain to you, or would you figure out yourself, that a frace like "dog eating chicken" could mean two opposite things depending how grammar is used.

I'm talking about language son, I've been impressed by languages for a while, since I was a kid. How many languages do you speak? English and that's it? Cool... I almost speak 5 now

And maybe I didn't write it in the most deep and complex way, but i'm obviously not gonna start ranting about my theories and idealogies of life and expression and communication between humans. But I do look at languages and their bounderies and possibilities in a new light now that I am older.

Later hater, keep being broke and snorting coke
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