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Old 10-05-09, 03:25 PM   #15
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL no you fucking moron, you're actually wrong. Think harder and logically. It's not about what makes sense and what doesn't make sense in this world, because people write science fiction novels about fake shit all the time, therefore.......

Someone could easilly be trying to imply that while deep sea diving they saw a man under the water who was eating a shark. Maybe later on they discovered it was a mermaid from atlantis... For all you know that shit can happen in a made up fairy tale fantasy world, which authors do tend to write about. Aka lord of the rings and every single other sci-fi out there that has shit that would never happen in our human reality.

Now vice versa someone can also imply that at the sea-food market they saw a shark capable of eating a man for sale, however this man-eating shark would ofcourse be dead because it's being sold for food.

Now if I say "I saw a man eating shark while deep sea diving" ofcourse most people are going to be able to use their brain to decipher the correct usage and know what you meant to say. However what you meant to say sometimes may not be what you wrote. Sorry, that's how grammar is, and unless you use grammar properly, what you meant to imply and what you're implying aren't going to be the same.

So you're wrong buddy, I actually majored in english and I know for a fact you're wrong . You have to use grammar.

Man eating shark is a shark that can eat a man. It doesn't have to have the dash.
I already knew this, I wasn't asking what it meant because I didn't know, I was asking to provoke YOU PEOPLE to think.

Hahahahaa nice try though
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