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Old 10-10-09, 11:20 AM   #20
10:23 till i'm 86
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From: Michigan

Originally Posted by Adam
There is most likely a creator, to label him "God" is your own thing, that's cool. It's foolish and ignorant to doubt the possibility and the existence of a creator, but it's also foolish to completely rule out any other theory or possibility as none of us know the actually truth behind our existence.

The difference between accepting the fact that there is a creator and accepting that you need to serve it by this list of rules is enormous. To follow any religion and rule everything else out is just pure idiocy.

The most humble approach when it comes to anything is to understand that anything is possible and that anything could have or could happen. Take a girlfriend for example, you fall in love with her, change your life, do everything you can for her and then she breaks you heart and leaves you with nothing. What did you do wrong? You allowed yourself to believe that this was the one, that you needed to do these things because everything was going to work out and be okay in the end, wrong. The same thing goes for religion. Why waste your time, money, enjoyment, and limit yourself from doing amazing things because somebody told you it's what you should do?

If you haven't noticed, I haven't labeled any specific religion because in the end they are all exactly the same. If you were born anywhere other than North America chances are you wouldn't have been raised Christian. If you were born anywhere other than the middle east countries chances are you wouldn't of been raised Muslim. So on and so forth. But for example, these two religions state that you must follow their "God" and their "God" only or else you'll be damned to hell. So for the people that don't even learn about this other, supposedly correct religion, they're just fucked? No chance for them, wrong "God", life for eternity in hell. What a crock of shit. Now people always create these little loop holes to make up for these flaws and say bullshit like God knew they had no chance down there so if they were a good person they get into Heaven and all this. Bullshit.

Whatever created us, didn't create us with the intention of ending up in Heaven or Hell, those are made up places to try and convince you to be a certain type of person and to follow a set of rules higher powers made way back in the day to control people. If you actually believe that your "God" has eternal love for people, there wouldn't be such a place as hell or else he's really just a jealous asshole and that's not a very God-like feature.

Live outside the book and see the world for what it really is. Stop killing people for believing in different things because they're just as fucking stupid as you are.

i agree with most that except the loop hole thing. people don't get to go to heaven for being a good person no matter what, only through jesus, as it says in the bible, but i believe that hell is stupid and it wouldn't be very god like to make someone burn in it forever when people are in such different possitions and many have better chances to go to hell than others. God wouldn't do that in my eyes. but it says clearly in the bible theres only one way to heaven and there is only one God, and the muslims are all going to hell, but because God is so loving i don't think one life is their only chance.
but i still believe everyones life would be best off if people didn't go against the bible so much, its got a lot figured out in it and can give a lot of wisdom if you read close enough and put it to work

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