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Old 10-10-09, 08:37 PM   #24
C.hristopher S.ean D.abatos
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Posts: 5,693
From: Bay Area

Who wrote the bible? Moses, Paul, John, Jesus, David, etc.. list goes on and on.
Who build the church? God built the Church.. how?!? Through man..
Who gave the image of hell being a place full of fire and torment? The Bible..
Who gave the image of pearly gates? The Bible.
Who painted the pictures of angels as winged humans? The people who "saw them" also in the bible.
Who are the priests, rabbi's, counselor's etc?? And who made an image of how Jesus would look like? Yes man did, but in the bible it said dont make idols. God didn't want anyone to make images of him for a reason. And how do we know hes not black or chinese or mexican?? Hmm.. he was born in Nazareth. No one that's asian or black or w/e could possibly be born in that 'Small" city at that time.
Who decided their religion is the right way? God Did. I speak from experience from the miracles that happened in my life. You choose what you believe is the right decision. God gave us "free will" for a reason.
Yes man fought over religious views. Who doesn't?
The bible never said if you give a lot of money to charity you will go to heaven. Works is nothing without faith and faith is nothing without works. If you accept Jesus as your savior you will go to heaven. He died on the cross for our sins for a reason. So we are able to be in Heaven with him.

The God I we believe in as (a Christian is the God that saved us from our sins. Our GOD was never influenced by hollywood. That's hollywood making an image of God of something he isn't at all.

Our God gives us a base of rules of things not to do. To please him?!?!? NO!! If we try our "best" to stay away from what we call a"sin" it helps better our future. Honestly, if you LIE or Steal, or murder, or even just commit adultery. Is that good for you or your future at all? You future with your wife? Your future trying to get a job with those "illegal" things like stealing can get on your record? Or even lying.. it always catches up to you if you keep lying. How will that make you look if people find out your a Liar? God is our father, and he only wants best for his children.

Everything in the Bible as us Christian's believe, God had every influence in everything in the Bible. Every word, every letter! Even every space in the bible.

What's also funny was I asked God to just tell me something today when I read the bible after what I saw your post. You say the bible was made by man?!? Yes it was written by man but like I said God influenced everything from the words all the way to the spaces in the Bible through the Holy Spirit. So when I asked God to tell me something within the hour I read your post, I read in 2 Timothy 3:16 it says "All scripture is God-"breathed" and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness."

"God-breathed" means everything in the Bible is inspired by God.

also.. Jesus wasn't made by Man. Jesus is real and even in the Roman HISTORY BOOKS! A well respected Historian stated a few years after Jesus death stated that Jesus Christ who made this group called the "Christian's" who was also sacrificed on the cross may have been 1 of the reasons to the downfall of the roman empire... So YES.. Jesus is real...

Man wrote the Bible, But God made the Bible. Anymore questions?

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