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Old 10-18-09, 04:59 AM   #12
Jack The Ripper
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And actually I didn't bow or apologise to him, I actually said kinda snobbish "we're not looking for trouble so why don't you leave us alone, we didn't know she was with you"

my friend did bow and apologise before that though. I think he responded to my attitude and that's when he said ok well you better get the fuck out then if you don't and so we did, faaaast hahaha

I wouldn't ever bow to a yakuza, they're lower class scum. Research them online, the yakuza are the ancestors of poor people who have no respect in the social hiatus and are the lowest of the low so they gang up together in an attempt to be cool. NO ONE looks up to these people here. They're not like the italian mafia in the USA that people made movies about and thought were so cool and rappers tried to emulate. No one thinks yakuza is cool here. But no one will start shit with them cuz they'll possibly get killed, but they also won't show them respect either.

Matter of fact back when my father lived here training in judo he went out with his judo buddies and a yakuza mouthed off to the wrong dudes and got himself smashed hard, he went back into the bar and came out chasing them with a knife hahaha. He's got mad crazy stories from back in the day.

I was raised by a father who's very sick in the head hahaa. But yea, fuck Yakuza.. bitches.. I won't tell them that though lol
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