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Old 10-28-09, 07:39 AM   #19
Rather Unique
Posts: 1,066

Originally Posted by Rats
The diffrence between those who praise god and those who dont. Is the ones that dont.. dont care that you do and leave you to it. The ones that do praise god seem to allways get on there high horse and make it there mission to 'prove you wrong'. The way I see it if your content with YOUR beleif.. you have no reason to allways try prove to nonpraisers that your right.. you would just go about your day to day and be content with your beleif.

So my question is why do beleivers allways feel like they have to prove nonbeleivers wrong.. when the non beleiver isnt tryna attack your beleif.. he just doesnt care... just like you shouldnt care that he doesnt beleive.

feeeeeeeeeeeeel meeeee????

you ask to not be generalized yet you generalize, makes perfect sense.

Neither sides will ever agree full heartedly, thats why I myself, typically know when to not cross-certain boundries, people believe what they believe and it's hard to change people's views.

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