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Old 10-28-09, 07:03 PM   #47
C.hristopher S.ean D.abatos
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From: Bay Area

To answer your first 2 questions. If you don't accept Jesus as your Savior, than no you won't go to Heaven. And no God is not heartless. Tell me, if you kept on your entire life saying that your dad is not your dad, saying that your mom is not your mom, how would they feel? Your entire life you ignored them and said that you don't love them. Would they hate you? No they wouldn't they would still love you with all their hearts. They're whole life they would try to help you find your way but you kept on ignoring them. When you die, they can't do anything about it anymore. Than you go to Hell. You're whole life they were trying to help you find your way and be closer to them. But because you didn't listen to them and just ignored them, you go to Hell. God loves you more than anyone can ever love you. But you have to accept him in your life for him to save you. But God does not send you to Hell. It's your choice to love him or ignore him. God loves you so much that he gave you free will for a reason.

thats great if your a good kind hearted person. You should go to church because it keeps you closer to him. No one ever said you had to say God Bless to someone when they sneeze. I never say it either, it doesn't say in the Bible you have to. God never makes you do anything.

The thing about Christianity is this. God loves you. We want you to know that. Think of it like this, will someone let you in their house if you simple ignore them your whole life? You can be the nicest person in the world. Donating money to the poor, helping an old woman walk across the street. Even donate a kidney or sacrifice your life to save someone else. But the thing is, you can do all of this for other people, but ignore the one guy that created you?

Yes we all sin in God's eyes. Not our way. We don't see sin in our way. We see sin the way God states it in the Bible. It says in the bible, "Anything you do you think is wrong is a sin." Why do something wrong when you know its wrong? You may not have a choice but its still wrong. A sin is a sin. Yes if you are a murderer and repent for your sins stating you want to change your ways, than yes God wills ave you. I'll tell you this, no sin is worse than another. A sin = sin. I can kill 1 person, you can lie 1 time. God will be disappointed in me and you. He will not love you more because you didnt kill. He will love the both of us the same no matter what. But the person that accepts him as his God and repents his ways, accepting Jesus into their life will be saved. THe difference is I love God and the other person doesn't. Who would he rather have in his house?

You can repent for anything you do as long as you truly mean it from your "heart." But you repent to Jesus. Not a priest, not a pastor. We can't tell if you truly mean it, only God can. No one can tell if i truly love God. I can fake it all the way to my death and go to Hell. But only GOd knows my heart and he knows your heart. Sure you can repent and not mean it. You won't be forgiven. We all are sinners from the moment we enter our mothers womb.

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