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Old 10-28-09, 07:07 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Young Kidd (LM)
My question is this, if I do come before God when I die, and never accepted him into my heart but never let the devil take my heart. Then what happens?

Is God such a heartless being that if Adam, or Rats, or I were to die today but we were stand up citizens he would condemn us to hell for not saying that he is my God?

I live my life according to the morals (and common believes) set forth by law, not by a bible, even if they do happen to be one in the same.

Will God reject me because I don't go to church? or don't say God bless you at every sneeze, but my heart is pure in almost every aspect of Grand Sin? (not saying mine is.)

The thing I dislike about Christianity most is that there is a belief that God will condemn a man who doesn't believe in him but is probably the most upstanding citizen in the world the same he would condemn a Mass Murderer.

That right there just doesn't sit right with me.
Sure we all sin in our own way, and "in God's eyes no sin is greater than other" but are you telling me if i accept Jesus if i'm a murderer i can repent, but If premarital sex is my worst sin and I die i can't repent? If i don't say Jesus is my God now?

Why can't he look at me when I'm standing before him and Judge me on how I lived on my own an never "denied" as if I believed wholeheartedly and live the exact same life.

first look at it this way, jesus is god wrapped in flesh,the bible says he is a jealous god,jesus was brutally beaten and killed for u to save you from your sin he purchesed you thru his blood..if you were in his shoes wouldnt you be pissed that people dont except you..but to answer your first queston yes he would condenm you, jesus said if your not with me your agianst me, and if you dont accept him as your savior and repent you will go to hell
your second question, i dont believe you will go to hell if you dont go to church,but it definatly feeds you and helps with spiritall attacks and church will give you understanding.
and to give you further understanding, if you break one commandment your are guilty of breaking them all and about the premarital sex and the murderer yes if you dont repent you will go to hell..thats just the way it is.but i see your point.jesus paid the price for everything.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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