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Old 10-28-09, 07:48 PM   #78
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Yeah, I do lie and have premarital sex and I will NEVER ask for any type of forgiveness for doing so. That's the difference between you and I, I'm living my life of bliss, you're preparing for one that you hope exists.

You can fool yourself and say that you know it exists, but you don't and you're lying if you say that you do.

It's pointless to argue your religion with you because that's your belief and you're not going to change your views just like I won't change mine. I don't really care what you believe in or what you do with your life. You or Q, cool believe what you believe, fuck boys if you're into that, I'm not going to look at you any differently. You see, it's you who cares what I believe in because it's scary to you when things defy and prove your religion wrong.

Religious people aren't afraid of dying, but they're afraid of actually living.
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