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Old 10-28-09, 07:50 PM   #79
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by Dabatos
Actually, if I did that. I would have done that to my little cousins by now. But no. I had a job where I made 200k a year. I had a job where i only made 20k a year. None of them made me feel content like how i do now. Serving God is better than any paycheck. Because of how close I am to God. I notice many amazing things/miracles he does in my life weekly. The miracles I see/feel are worth more than any dollar. I didn't just feel God wanted me to become a Pastor. He showed it to me. Do you want to be a Rapper so you can look like a ganster? No.. you are an emcee because its your love, and its what you love doing. Serving God is my love and love doing more than anything else.

I don't rap and I'm not an emcee. I play instruments and enjoy writing and used this site to help improve it.

You need to serve yourself mate, don't be stupid.
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