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Old 11-03-09, 03:34 AM   #127
Posts: 696

I believe if there is a god, than if he created every human being on this earth and knew what and how they were going to live and die from birth than why would he create people who he knows won't believe and/or be a budhist or muslim or in greek mythology have a different god for everything. Why would he do that because if you don't believe in him and what the bible states than you will go to hell so all those people will go to hell and he knows it. Yet he wants everyone to believe according to the bible than why didn't he create everyone to believe. I agree were filled with sin as a natural human behavior, but If your athiest, agnostic ect... but ur a really good person and help others without greed or something in return and do it out of a good heart and mind but u don't believe the bible than your going to hell for being a good person.

That is my biggest doubt in this situation. I believe in god i honestly do. I believe that there is a heaven and/or after life of some sort. I believe everything happends for a reason. I do struggle to grasp the concept that if god created adam and eve and than all of us as his children than why did he not just create us perfect without temtation. Why does he not father us as his kids. I mean i guess he could be our life and life is or father so life is god. Because it comes with fights, struggles, happiness, love, sadness and every emotion. But the bible says love no other gods so why create people to love other gods if he knows as he is creating them it will happen. And he says he is your father no one else than why was mary labeled as jesus's mother why when jesus was alive there were people label'd as a father. Alot of questions to be answered with the whole situation and know one will ever no. One thing that does irritate me that i will touch on is why in the world do people who believe in god critisize others faith. Thats a sin in itself. They think they are spreading the word of god by smacking you with a bible figurativly speaking and all their doing is hurting themselves.

To some up my opinion i do believe because its something to give me hope. I sin every fucking shitty ass damn day. I live life to the fullest not worrying about sin. But every night i still ask for forgivness and say amen. I like to have the sense of someone always being there and something to believe in. Someone who can take me after i pass. I do have alot of doubts which is a sin but guess what when i go lay down after i post this i will pray like usual. So is there a god and/or heaven or afterlife my opinion yes and in some no theres not. But it don't mean regardless we should just shut up and get along despite everything because life is short why waste it on someone or something that you may never see. But isn't that a risk in itself to do that so its a different type of living on the edge.

I would like to say i respecct all opinions on here. Believers and non-believers. Every post got me thinking about something. But i do no were all entitled to our own opinions and know one will win this discussion/argument
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