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Old 11-03-09, 08:24 AM   #132
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

^^ Uh, no. I've read books on pantheism. Am I giving you an entire 12 page essay I wrote on Omni-intraomnianism or am I giving you a brief summary? Sorry but there's loads of points I haven't stated which clearly allow people to discern between pantheism and my religion/theory. Am I some idiot who invents a religion that's already been invented? You tried too hard to be clever, instead you could have been humble and asked "Don't you think that directly resembles Pantheism?".

Pantheism doesn't touch on the subjects of our capacity for understanding knowledge, the capacity of human capability, the chemical dimethyltryptamine which our brains produce during heavy rapid eye movement sleep, our levels of conciousness, our levels of sub-conciousness, or the ability to experience dreams while in a concious state and the experience occured during this proccess. Along with a whole lot of other ideas and facts.

Edit: Oh shit I just realised you're 2v. Lol waddup Nathan you dick ass mofo, I already explained dimethyltryptamine and my theories to you remember? We had a long ass talk about it and you mentioned pantheism and I shortly explained the differences to you. You forgot or something? hahaha
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