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Old 01-08-10, 04:24 PM   #4
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
communism wouldnt work,to much government controll,democracy works fine but when your deciding between a giant douche and a turd sandwitch lol what do u expect like that episode of south park if youve seen it..but when their is no one to vote for what do u expect..the real problem is capitalism,giant corporations monopolizing and buying out smaller bussiness's,and once they do that they have no competitoin, and pay the lowest salerys possible,thats why they let illegal immigrants in, and never do anything about them.and when they dont want to pay them minimum wage cuz of greed they send jobs overseas in sweatshops for even lower pay..capitalism keeps 90 percent of the wealth in 10 percent of the population,
so overall capitalism is the problem not democracy..word.....

That last part I agree with completely. The private property thing is one of the convincing arguments from communists. One thing I heard is that uhh, let's say I go to a river, I see it first. And for whatever reason me and my "tribe" say this is OUR river. And if anyone wants to drink from our river, they have to work for us and gather food etc. Why? What makes this river mine? Why should I have to work for you when the river belongs to all of us? And that's pretty much the argument of communists. The argument of capitalists is mainly why should you benefit from MY hard work? Which is also a credible argument. So the lesson is, nothing works and we should all give up.
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