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Old 01-08-10, 05:03 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Indeph
Well actual communism doesn't have a direct state to control it. And the giant douche and turd sandwich crap we have in American isn't capitalism's fault. It's the fact that we have a representative democracy instead of a direct democracy. The main differences between communism and capitalism is private ownership over the means of production. Which just means instead of a factory belonging to one Man, it'd belong to "everyone" and what happens in the company would be voted democratically. Communism also doesn't use money it uses "labor tickets", which work like movie tickets, where you use them and they can't be used again, and they can only be used by you.

Capitalism's biggest strength imo is you're free from the fuckups of others. With capitalism everyone else can be completely retarded, but as long as you're smart and make the right decisions you should be somewhat ok. Then again if everyone else is screwed, who's gonna buy your products? We've never really seen a true communist state..ever. The soviet union was a dictatorship. You can't have a communist society where ONE GUY makes all the decisions. The entire point is for the system to be democratic and empower the working class.

We've never seen a true capitalist country either. A true capitalist country would probably be libertarian. Which I could definitely see working, especially with someone like Ron Paul. Capitalism NEEDS the state though to survive and enforce private property(not to be confused with personal property(your house your car etc). Communism doesn't need it, which is why I guess so many anarchists are communists.

Capitalism wins though because it's easier to understand. Also communism, even when done correctly, just seems like a ticking time bomb for totalitarianism. Like it'd be paradise and some guy would just come in and fuck it up eventually.

I probably typed too much.

dont really have time to debate but i never said capitalism had anything to do with democracy,well thats not what i ment to say if i did..thats seperate..
i think a government for the people by the people should be in affect and oviously in current america thats not what we see,im not actaully sure how a direct democracy works,but a representive democracy would work if we didnt have to choose between two fucking idiots that actaully had the people they represented's ideals at heart,and on all levels,not just the presidents, but the idea of having 3 branches of government balance each other out is a good idea...but i dont see one government better then the next, no one government is the answer in my opinion,each has its pro's and cons..but who knows without corruption,or dictatorship,a real democracy or real communism could work..u never know..

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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