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Old 03-19-10, 06:34 PM   #9
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,967
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
most americans are ignorant as fuck,i mean really fucken stupid..they fight over the stupidest shit,and speaking of the army, one night at this popular club bobingas we had a bunch of marines come in i mean like literally 40,and they were drunk and starting shit and puking everywhere and i was trying to keep it cool with em cuz there was only like 4 bouncers that night plus a doorman,and one guy kept telling me that his bestfriend just died in iraq and was wondering why the insurgants killed his best friend and was in tears about it, and i didnt say shit but was thinking were in their country trying to establish our form of government and sinfull way of living over there and u wonder why your friend was killed when their fighting for their country,and wonder why they declair jihad on us..if our country was invaded we would be labled terrrorists and sent to guantanamo bay if we fought back,not to mention the bombs were dropping and killing innocent women and children..and on another random night we had a bunch of dudes from the navy in and they were talking shit about fucking each others wifes ect...but anyway im ranting and off subject.but i appologize most americans are fucking retarded,and start shit for no fucken reason,most are juice heads and worship football or other sports.

your realize half of what your saying is just media fed garbage right?

yes, we do miss on some bomb runs...granted. But do you know how many people we also have saved and given oppurtunties too? You dont think Saddam wasn't out and about raping and killing his own country man. Granted, it wouldn't have maybe been this extreme of people dieing, but thats becuase you have dickwad extremist muslims trying to fuck up the makings of a democracy. If faggot ass insurgents came over here and we started to blow our selfs up at them it be to protect our democry, not some oust'ed dictaorship, although im sure some can agrue our own goverment has turned into one.

but whatever
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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