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Old 03-29-10, 07:56 PM   #1
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759
For you people who don't know how to copyright their own work.


I'm not sure about rules and restrictions for other places in the world as they tend to differ by country, so you'll have to look that up yourself. This works for Canada and USA however.

First get yourself the copyrigh symbol. It's this one: ©

Now, for lyrics, at the end of your page paste the copyright symbol followed by the current date. Hit enter and directly under this write "All rights, copies and distributions belong to [insert your full name here]"

Now you can either print the lyrics out and mail this to yourself (DO NOT OPEN THE ENVELOPE ONCE YOU RECIEVE IT)

Or you can send it to yourself in an email, and put the email into your saved emails. Try not to open it, but it shouldn't make a difference.

^^^ Why do this? Mail is stamped by the postal office with the current date, and emails are all dated. This proves you copyrighted the music before anyone else who might try and steal this from you.

The same applies for anything really. Beats or full-tracks. Record the track, save it to an MP3 and email yourself with the MP3 attatched and then inside the email have the copyright symbol once again, along with the current date, and under that type "All files and/or documents attatched with this email are copywritten and owned exclusively by [insert your name here]"

And that's it

And that's it.

(you might want to make sure you purchased the beat, otherwise you still don't own rights to your own song.)
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