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Old 04-10-10, 04:03 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JP Morgan
Creation and evolution is still goin on today. The bible says all things were created in six days. The vatican has too many things kept secret including more skriptures to the bible.

i agree god created everything in six days,but it takes more faith to believe in evoloution then to believe in god of the king james version bible...
the apocrypha, which is not the inspired word of god,nor do the the christians believe so,but the catholics endorse it as devotioanal books to study,
and to reply the second part of your statement,anybody that adds on to the bible, read revalations 22 verse 18,it says and i solemnly declare to everyone who hear the word of prophesy written in this book if anyone adds anything to what is written here, god will add to that person the plaques described in this book,and if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy ,god will remove that persons share in the tree of life and the holy city that are described in this book,he who is faithfull wtiness to all these things says yes i am coming soon amen come lord dont need to be looking for missing books u need to be looking for correct doctrine, u should know the truth,u should know the truth and the truth shall make u free

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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