Thread: my sisters baby
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Old 05-26-10, 06:52 PM   #7
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
you oviosly have no idea what your talking about,mercury is horrible for your brain, you realize that theres a huge case against the supreme court right now, jenny mcarthey and i forget the number but thousands of people are sewing the supreme court over the mercury in the shots cuz all their children have autism, and just the other day i saw a random report that the mumps and measals shot is linked to autism to. and go to youtube and type in cheerleader flu shot and tell me what u see..

No its not. The MMR has no direct link whatsoever. The doctor who started that whole theory has been struck off only a matter of days ago and time and time again research has been done and there has always been no proof the MMR causes autism.

Before you say ANYTHING...I have a 20 year old brother who has autism, and as much as I'd like to believe that the MMR can cause it. It just doesn't. I also have 2 children, my eldest had the MMR and is fine as will my 2nd when he's old enough.

As for what happened to your niece, as LK said you should consult a doctor rather than here (which you did so fair play). But most reractions are because of your anti-bodies fighting the immunisation...the cells they inject are de-activated cells which allow the anti-bodies to defeat and build immunity to that type of disease. Side effects are common but its always recommended to keep an eye out in case it does get worse.

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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