Thread: my sisters baby
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Old 05-27-10, 10:18 PM   #4
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

lol, guess well have to wait and see,alot of that shit is proven though,look up chemtrails that theyve finally addmitted to, look up the report with jeraldo rivera where he interviewed a sgt in the army or what ever and he said they were helping the afghgans produce the opium..
and if i remember right he also said they were shipping it in if i remember correctly,
look up aspartame,that shit is made from the fecies of ecoli and they put that in our pepsi,look up floride in water, sometimes u just have to open your eyes..and why is there record numbers of people with cancer u think???i know none of u believe in the bible but if adam and eve or the first humans for that matter had those kind of diseases we would cease to exist its common sence.
and about them taking over everything, they make the currencys for alot of the countrys in the world,and just took greec'es pention funds and them rioting and burning down an imf bank, and 15 percent of the romanions pention funds,and when they wanted a blank check from iceland and iceland said fuck u and then they had and economic collapse,or when they told our congress or supreme court,i forget who it was but they said quote" if u dont give us a blank check their will be martial law in america",they basicly in the past have targeted 3rd world countrys that are plenyfull in recources,then basiclly they come in take over the production of currency and bankrupt the country,and now theyve targeted 1st world countrys, tell me thats not taking shit over, wait till they come here and take our pention funds...your nice little coca cola retirement money will go right down the drain..

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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