Thread: my sisters baby
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Old 05-28-10, 04:56 AM   #24
_Talksic_'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
good thing im 22, and i really dont have much of a pension built up than right?

you really think that shit is true? You think that Pepsi would risk loosing their business becuase of a 'board of supreme humans tells them to kill off people?'


Thats not how it really works.

You show me PROOOOOOF of how Iceland told a group of people that they woulnd't give them a blank check, and that was the SOLE reason why their govemenrents economy collapsed. Ever thing think that it had other social, non econocmical situations that did it it? maybe a volcano that fucking put the country on lock down for a while? dumb ass.

and with this whole 'greece thing'....are you that fucking dumb? do you really think that your right?

Greece failed becuase it SPEND wwwaayyy to much money on dumb ass programs that were great in theory but cost WAY to much money to keep up. Its called solicism, you fag. They over paided EVERYONE, becuase they belivied that everyone was equal, which we ARE NOT. We are all born with equal rights, but we shouldn't all be taken care of equally. We should be givien what we EARN. Not what we want. Which is how america USED to be, until this flood of fag's, who have no idea what the concept of hard work and budgeting, known ANYTHING about.

So stop being so fucking dumb, and actually READ into something. Stop listening to what you think is cool, and read the fucking facts.

Start posting facts dude, thats all im saying. I can post up facts about Greece's econocmy all day, and i can show you have badly set up their goverment spending was, and why their govemrent failed. And im pretty sure it wasn't becuase of some 'elitre group' of businessmen who wanted the entire world economy to flounder out.

as for proof of iceland just google iceland says no to bankers and a ton of shit will pop up,i dont really feel like digging shit up right now.and the greeks did earn their pention funds and are pissed thats oviosly why their rioting and burnt down an imf bank.and with the aspertame in the pepsi, its called a soft kill method..meaning it doesnt kill u right away..i spelled it wrong but google dangers of aspertame,or something simalar and see what it says i think u should start looking at the facts

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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