Thread: my sisters baby
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Old 06-01-10, 03:12 AM   #5
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
my bad i meant to say bring up the facts on iceland and them saying no to the bankers,
all i originally said about greece was they lost their pention funds, and are roiting,and burned down an imf world bank.. i didnt mean to say the greeks said no to the bankers, i got confused,
but as much as i hate to agree,and why the people are rioting and why the gov officials are having riots,cuz the politicions are over paid like most city workers,thats why their not changing shit cuz their making all the fucking money,its the same concept of whats going on in america and why we will eventually fail as a nation ,obamas overspending and the fact that and we owe bankers 13 something trillion from money created out of thin air then loaned to us with interest,and that we will eventually lose our pention funds the same way greece and the romanions are..but thats another subject......................................
but bring up the facts about icelands economic failure?and by the way that was a horrible source a catholic site..i have a new york times one for iceland..

dude, your an idiot. Do you not know how to run a single common thought for more than 3 days?

First off, who gives a fuck where the site was, your the fucking one who preaches the holy trinity on a god damn rap site 24/7. You can type in 'why did greece collapse' and their are HUNDREDS, AND HUUUNNDREEDS of articles of why they collpaosed, and they all say the same thing.

I proved MY shit, know PROVE YOURS. I want proof that Iceland was suppose to write a blank check over to your illumianti goverment high ranking officals. Otherwise. You should just shut the fuck up, and continue to drink your life away.
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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