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Old 09-29-10, 01:38 PM   #5
King Solo
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Originally Posted by JP Morgan
its not big news when you're preachin to the choir, but of course we're being watched, expacially in america with our patriot act. they can do whatever they want to the citizens now. all phone conversations are monitored and saved. the few that actually are worth hearing about, they have key words that connect the convo's to more suspect locations, but all conversations are saved. they can even enter and look through your house when your gone with out a warrent.
what would hitler of done if all jews had cell phones tracking thier location and conversations? if they were all un aware, they'd all be dead, i'm just gettin my facts straight and makin others aware while gaining more info from people like talksic who know.
dont come in here actin high and mighty, this is bigger than your ego

No offense dude, but if anyone here is coming off as the high and mighty type then its you.

Making others aware? That sounds to me like your ego has you believing you're the one with the knowledge. Has it ever occurred to you that pretty much everyone is aware of how the government watches and tracks our every move? Don't try to act like you're "making people aware" because they already are aware. They have just come to terms with it and don't treat it as such a big deal because in the end, what can they do about it? Nothing.

If you want to get some info, good for you. Read some books. Watch some documentaries. Talk to some fellow conspiracy theory nutjobs. But don't attack me for stating the clear truth that everybody is fully aware of "big brother watching them" and so ultimately I am right in saying.... IT'S NOT BIG NEWS TO ANYONE!! IT'S OLD NEWS!!

Real talk.
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