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Old 09-29-10, 04:49 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by JP Morgan
you should check this documentary, i just got done watchin it. if this was shown to kids in school, this country would be a bit different.
i need to learn a bit more about the tea party movement. its too bad mass media is completely owned by cock smooches and i haven't learned anything relavent about'um

...ill peep the documentary sometime later tonight,
but basically the tea party was founded by senator dr. ron paul from texas, its basically a grass roots movement, or in other words a home grown movement,but T.E.A. party stands for Taxed Enough Already..which takes the name from obviously the infamous boston tea party when the colonist dumped a bunch of tea in the sea, i think everyone knows that story..
but the tea party movement to break it down simply and quickly
ARE independent constitutionalists, meaning they stand on and for what the constitution says, and they are not republican nor democrat....
now what the establishment is trying to do is trying to claim that the tea party are right wing extremists, and that they're racist.. when there is all races in the group, and are peacefull..(of course you have provocateurs)
in other words people who are feds that infiltrate the group and attack cops during peaceful protests and generally make the group look bad, just like they did at the protests during the vietnam war,and alot of other protests,smart tactic on their part..
but now the republican party especially that whore that claims shes christian,
sarah palin, and a few other senators that are fake and basically trying to high jack the movement, and claim it as republican, to keep the false right left paradigm going,to keep us divided basically,(right vs left).
when the tea party is really independent but you have all these conservatives trying to say that they stand behind the movement..cuz the establishments afraid theyre gonna lose power...
and as usual they are manipulating the numbers in the polls, i saw a report yesterday saying that 30% of americans support the tea party movement. which is bullshit cuz theyre winning majority of the senate races..and another example how their demonizing the tea party any mainstream news report written or televised youll notice theyll call the tea party candidates insurgents, just a little something i noticed..but that should break it down enough..and another person thats a fucken idiot is glenn beck by the way, hes a sell out..

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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